Eagle Spirit Helpers

talismanic shaman art, Eagles, spirit helpers, Alaskan Art

Spirit Helpers are mystical entities that the Shaman is seeking on her shamanic journey into the Spirit Realm.  Eagle Spirit Helper gives insight from its special vision power and majestic way of being.  Eagle is a protective spirit while knowing when to strike hunting.  It's long distance eyes are always looking for opportunity. All of our Spirit Helpers are made of natural materials - leather, clay head, beadwork, and faux fur.  Each one is uniquely hand made.

Spirit Helpers are mystical entities that the Shaman is seeking on her shamanic journey into the Spirit Realm.  Eagle Spirit Helper gives insight from its special vision power and majestic way of being.  Eagle is a protective spirit while knowing when to strike hunting.  It's long distance eyes are always looking for opportunity. All of our Spirit Helpers are made of natural materials - leather, clay head, beadwork, and faux fur.  Each one is uniquely hand made.